Our Big6 client was aware it had an issue with the quality of debt conversations taking place between agents and customers.
Opportunities were being missed and there was a poor conversion rate.
BFY was engaged to improve agent performance and therefore improve its debt position.
We worked closely with the client to establish a baseline performance level, before deploying our performance coaching methodology.
We understood the team’s performance, aspirations and objectives, creating an environment of trust and building rapport.
We set targets and created new call structures, complete with guides, prompts and self-assessment templates.
The team’s focus was shifted to collective performance and team-based problem-solving, with best-practice as a core principle.
Ongoing team leader coaching and senior manager involvement allowed us to reinforce new principles and initiatives.
BFY Group partnered with the client over a six-month period, implement lasting change and nearly doubling the cash collected by each team member, delivering a benefit to the client of £3.5m per year.